The Student Health Services licensed Clinical or Behavioral Health staff (Nurse Practitioners, College Physicians, Student Psychological Counselors, and SPS Interns) can provide confidential support, care, and information. These SHS licensed staff are not required to report to any authority without your consent.  

Reactions to all types of assaults can include numbness and shock, feeling alone, self-blame and anger. The licensed clinical and behavioral health staff can listen to your concerns and assist you in determining next steps. They can coordinate with other agencies. These staff are also ready to support you concerning assaults that may have taken place months or years ago when you are ready for that discussion.

The Student Health Services offices are available in Santa Rosa, Monday through Friday, and in Petaluma, Monday through Thursday. They can work with survivors, families, significant others. They are supportive of your rights to make choices, and embrace all cultures, sexual preferences and genders.

If you discuss the assault with Santa Rosa Junior College faculty or staff be aware that, by law, they must report it to the Title IX office (except for Student Health Services licensed clinical or behavioral health staff).