Finding and maintaining health and life balance is challenging. You have the power to make choices that can either enhance or detract from your general well-being. We are here to help you make the best decisions concerning your physical, social and mental health.
The web sites listed here are not meant to replace a visit with a health provider, but to provide additional information that you may find helpful. Clinicians at the Student Health Services are available to talk to you about any health concern, please call, stop by, or email to make an appointment.
Helpful Websites for Making the Best Health Choices and Enhancing Your Academic, Social, and Personal Goals
- Eat right for Sports and Performance: This site provides nutritional information for athletes and those who strive to become athletes.
- Vegetarian Nutrition: This site provides nutritional information to keep Vegetarians healthy.
- Healthy Recipes: This site provides information and recipes for students wanting to improve their way of eating.
- Eating Well: This site provides information and recipes for students wanting to improve their way of eating.
- CDC Nutrition: This site is maintained by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and provides public health strategies and programs that improve dietary quality and reduce chronic disease.
- Go ask Alice: This site answers questions on relationships; sexuality; sexual health; emotional health; fitness and nutrition; alcohol, nicotine and other drugs and general health.
- How to reduce Stress and Sadness: How to Reduce Stress and Sadness.
- The Importance of Sleep: Information to help you to get a better night's sleep.
Websites with Excellent Mental Health Information
- Hotlines-Websites-Apps: Locally compiled list of self-help resources.
- Each Mind Matters: Millions of individuals and thousands of organizations working to advance mental health. Each Mind Matters is California's mental health movement.
- SanaMente es el Movimiento de Salud Mental de California: California está tomando medidas sin precedentes para eliminar las barreras del estigma y la discriminación, y para que cada persona sepa que la ayuda está disponible y se pueda sentir segura pidiendo el apoyo que necesite.
- College Response: This website allows students to complete an anonymous online screening for Depression, Anxiety, Alcohol, Eating Disorders or PTSD to see if they would benefit from professional consultation.
- Half of Us: Videos created by the Jed Foundation and MTV use stories of students and high-profile artists to increase awareness about mental health problems and the importance of getting help.
- It Gets Better: Everyone deserves to be respected for who they are. This website is a place where young people who are lesbian, gay, bi, or transgender can see how love and happiness can be a reality in the future.
- Ulifeline: Online resource for college mental health & suicide prevention – has a “self E-valuator”.
- CHADD: Children and Adults with ADD. Comprehensive site on ADD / ADHD, including info for college students, parents.
- Soluna - Free, Confidential support for 13- to 25-year-olds in California. Chat 1:1 with a professional coach, use interactive tools to destress, or explore quizzes, videos, forums, and more.
- Definition of Sexual Health
Student Health Services supports the whole person. Healthy sexuality is an important part of health. Sexuality encompasses more than sexual activity. It involves who we are, how we see and feel about ourselves, what we want from our relationships.
Definition of Sexual Health - World Health Organization
“Sexual health is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and fulfilled.” - General Sexual Health Information, STI prevention, and Healthy Relationships
- Go Ask Alice: Interesting and useful sexual health Information.
- American Sexual Health Association: National Organization with general information about sexual health.
- Sex, Etc: Information about sex and relationships, pregnancy, STDs, birth control, sexual orientation and more.
- Alan Guttmacher Institute: A non-profit organization providing reproductive health research, policy analysis and public education. Browse news, statistics and family planning articles.
- RH Reality Check: An online community and publication serving individuals and organizations committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights; Resource for evidence-based information, provocative commentary, and interactive dialogue.
- San Francisco Sex Information: Accurate, non-judgmental information about sex.
- Contraception and Emergency Contraception
- Bedsider: An interactive website that allows you to explore and compare birth control methods.
- The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy: Seeks to prevent teen pregnancy and unplanned pregnancy among single, young adults.
- Planned Parenthood: Resource for contraception and abortion counseling.
- Other Resources
- Centers for Disease Control: CDC fact sheets on sexually transmitted infections.
- LGBTQ+ Health
- The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association: For furthering health care for GLBTQI.
- Transgender Health at UCSF: Goal is increase comprehensive and affirming healthcare to trans and gender-variant communities.
- The Trevor Project: For gay and questioning youth.
- Women's Health
- The National Women's Health Information Center: Part of the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.
- Our Bodies, Ourselves: A comprehensive Women’s Health website.
- Men's Health
- Men's Health Network: Specific to issues of men’s health.
- Definition of Sexual Health
- 988: Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
- The Trevor Project: A 24–hour toll-free confidential crisis and suicide prevention helpline for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. Call 1-866-4-U-TREVOR (1-866-488-7386).
- Suicide Is Preventable: Learn how to recognize the signs and find the words to talk to someone who may be suicidal.`
- Veterans Crisis Line: 24/7 Suicide Prevention & Crisis Hotline Dial 988 & press 1 or Text 838255
- Student Psychological Services(SRJC Student Health Services): Free & Confidential Short-Term Individual & Couples Therapy.(707) 527-4445 |
- NowMattersNow: A website showing evidence-based ways to reduce suicidal thinking
- Self Injury Support: Support and education for self-injury.
- The Jed Foundation: A national organization working to reduce emotional distress and prevent suicide among college students.
SRJC Students for Recovery Group Support Meeting: Let's Talk Recovery
View Current Meeting Days and Times
Web: Drugs and Alcohol
Student Health Services recognizes drug and alcohol dependency as treatable conditions and offers services to assist in obtaining treatment. Drug use can create challenges to students’ academic success. Student Health Services can assist you in evaluating drug use and accessing the resources listed below for support and treatment if needed, as well as discussing ways to drink sociably and how to prevent negative consequences.
- Download a brochure on alcohol risks and resources at SRJC.
- Take an online self-assessment for alcohol abuse.
Community Secular Meetings:
- Self Management and Recovery Training (SMART): 546-4481
- LifeRing
- Interlink Self-Help Center: 1033 4th Street, Santa Rosa
- Drug Abuse Alternatives Center (DAAC): 544-3295
- Start Your Recovery
- Drug Abuse Topics for college-age adults
- Go Ask Alice: Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Smoking Cessation Information
The Benefits of Quitting
Research shows that 80% of smokers would like to quit. Student Health Services provides one-on-one visits with Nurse Practitioners who can assist you in cutting down and quitting smoking, chewing, or using other forms of tobacco, including e-cigarettes. The benefits of quitting tobacco include:
Increased energy throughout the day
Lower anxiety and stress levels
Whiter teeth, Fresher Breath
Improved circulation in the bodyImproved self-esteem
Increased ability to smell and taste
Improved quality of life
Ability to exercise increasesMore money for other things
More oxygen to the body
Healthy lungs, deeper breathing
Longer lifeRead about SRJC non-smoking policy. We can also assist you in making connections to the support services below.
California Smoker’s Helpline
Help to quit by phone, FREE phone counseling and quit kits provided. Special programs for teens, pregnant women and chewing tobacco from the California Department of Public Health.
- This website has many programs and resources available for any type of nicotine concern. Highly recommended!
- English 1-800-NO BUTTS
- Spanish 1-800-456-6386
- Chewers 1-800-844-CHEW
- TDD/TTY 1-800-933-4833
Sonoma County Department of Health Services
- For information on tobacco cessation class referrals, tobacco education, or to report a violation of tobacco laws call 707-565-6680.
Northern California Center for Well-Being
- 365 Tesconi Circle, Suite B, Santa Rosa
- Call 707-575-6043 to register for Smoking Cessation Classes
- Classes meet 8 times in 7 weeks.
Quit Smoking for the last time! ONE SESSION workshop:
- Develop a quit plan
- learn about use of medications
- strategize to avoid relapse.
- Cost: Sliding scale based on income. Some insurances may cover costs.
Nicotine Anonymous Support Group
- Ongoing support groups for anyone who wants to quit tobacco or support to stay tobacco-free.
- Speakers available for community groups on smoking cessation.
- Monday nights in Petaluma from 7:00 - 8:00 pm, Church of Christ, 370 Sonoma Mountain Parkway.
- Contact: Terry at 707-664-9335.
- Narcan® and Opioid Overdose
Learning the warning signs of opioid overdose and how to use naloxone (Narcan®) can save lives.
Naloxone is a life-saving medication used to reverse an opioid overdose, including heroin, fentanyl and prescription opioid medications. Naloxone can be quickly given through nasal spray (Narcan®) in the nose, or through an injectable or auto-injector into the outer thigh or another major muscle. Naloxone is safe and easy to use, works almost immediately, and is not addictive. Naloxone has very few negative effects, and has no effect if opioids are not in a person’s system. (Read More, CA Department of Public Health)
Narcan® is available free to students at Student Health Services.
How to Use Narcan®
Find us on YouTube for all of our videos: @srjcstudenthealthpeers
- Drugs and Alcohol