Student Psychological Services (SPS) is a program designed to serve SRJC students who are experiencing stress or other emotional difficulties. Frequently, these difficulties affect a student's academic performance or their ability to function effectively in social, academic, or work settings. To assist students in overcoming these challenges, we offer individual, and couples therapy to SRJC students that are enrolled in credit courses. Overall, we provide more than 2000 counseling hours each year for students on the Santa Rosa and Petaluma campuses.

SPS graduate and pre-doctoral interns provide most of the therapy to students. They are supervised by SPS licensed mental health providers. SRJC's Student Psychological Services program is certified by the Bay Area Practicum Information Collaborative (BAPIC). We also have a licensed Spanish-speaking therapist who provides therapy in Spanish.

SPS provides counseling to assist with issues such as:

  • Panic or Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief and Loss
  • Identity Struggles
  • Relationship Difficulties
  • Substance Abuse
  • Eating Disorders
  • Test anxiety

At SPS students find a safe and positive place to address their difficulties. They learn to feel better in general and develop more self-esteem. Many find they are able to function more effectively in relationships and to focus and perform more successfully in their classes.

SPS services are provided free of charge, as the Health Fee paid each semester by credit-enrolled students supports the department's services. Free access assures there are no financial barriers to receiving needed services.

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