Application & Deadlines

SPS follows all CAPIC and BAPIC deadlines and procedures. We take submissions of completed applications starting in February and up through the official deadline(s).


An application must include:

  1. A letter of intent. We would like applicants’ letters of intent to introduce themselves, to detail their interest in the SRJC SPS Training Program, their clinical experience, as well what they hope to gain from participating in our Training Program, outlining their interest in the site and reasons why it would be a positive match. (CAPIC interns should also indicate whether they are interested in a one or two-year program, as well as whether they are interested in the 24/hour/week and 12 month option, or the 20/hour/week and 10 month option.)
  2. A completed CAPIC/BAPIC Uniform Application with essays OR a completed SPS Application.
  3. Three letters of recommendation.
  4. Your Curriculum Vitae.
Submit completed applications to:

Dr. Bert Epstein, Manager,
Student Health Services, Mental Health Programs
Plover Hall, Room 559
Santa Rosa Junior College
1501 Mendocino Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95401

CAPIC materials should be sent via the CAPIC registration process.

BAPIC/practicum/post-doc materials can be sent either in hard copy to the above address or as an attachment to an email to

All applicants will be notified of received applications, and informed about the procedure ensuing. Applicants are notified as per the CAPIC/BAPIC process if they will not be considered. Applications are reviewed and interviews are begun as soon as is possible, conducted in person in Santa Rosa. Interviews consist of the applicant highlighting experience, strengths and limitations, desires and goals for participation in SPS, a role play, brief case presentation, and discussion of the requirements of the program and any questions remaining. Notifications are made per the CAPIC/BAPIC procedures and notification days.

After the match, applicants need to have a background check prior to starting employment.


Current Deadline Information for Academic Year 2019 - 2020

We begin accepting applications in February, and encourage early submission.

For CAPIC Pre-Doctoral Internships:

  • CAPIC Pre-Doctoral internships: applications are due by March 10, 2020

For BAPIC (masters level) Practicum Placements:

  • BAPIC Doctoral Practicum (as well as MFT) positions: applications are due by February 21, 2020

Interviews for all applicants will be during the first two weeks of March.

Uniform Matching and Notification:
  • CAPIC: April 6, 2019
  • BAPIC/MFT: April 15, 2019.

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