Influenza (“flu”) is a serious disease that can cause fever, cough, sore throat, headache, chills and muscle aches. Influenza viruses change often; therefore influenza vaccine is updated every year. Influenza vaccine can prevent influenza.

Visit the Web site of the Immunization Action Coalition to view their "Vaccine Information Statements" for further information about Influenza vaccine.


The Spread of Influenza

Influenza is caused by a virus that spreads from infected persons to the nose or throat of others. Anyone can get influenza. Most people are ill with influenza for only a few days, but some get much sicker and may need to be hospitalized. Influenza causes thousands of deaths each year, mostly among the elderly.


Influenza Vaccine

Most people need one flu shot each year to prevent influenza. Children under 9 years old getting flu vaccine for the first time should get 2 shots, one month apart. The best time to get a flu shot is in October or November. Because the flu season typically peaks between January and March, vaccination in December, or even later can be beneficial in most years.

Influenza Vaccine Fee

See Charges


For more information about the flu and the flu vaccine, you may visit:


For additional information, please contact Rebecca Norwick at